Apostles Robert & Stacey Gay
Robert and Stacey Gay are the Founders and Apostolic Pastors of High Praise Worship Center, a thriving dynamic church in Panama City, Florida. They celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary along with 35 years of full time ministry in June of 2016. Robert and Stacey have a heart and vision to equip believers, build strong families, and further the Kingdom of God.
Robert and Stacey have three children (Joshua, Kayla and Micah) who are all married and serving The Lord. They also have nine grandchildren. All their children function in ministry today and oversee different areas within the church.
Robert is the author of nine books. His most recent book series Voices currently has two installments and the third is currently being written. His other books are entitled Silencing The Enemy With Praise, Planted, Next Level, Jesus in 3D, Building Strong, Not My Father, & iBelong.
Robert was also a songwriter and worship leader for Integrity’s Hosanna! Music in the earlier days of his ministry. Many worship leaders and churches have recorded numerous songs written by Robert such as; No Other Name, More Than Enough, I Praise Your Majesty, On Bended Knee, Mighty Man of War, and many more. He was worship leader on Hosanna Music 28, Victor ’s Crown. Other singers such as Vicky Winans, The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Rhema Singers and Band, Nitro Praise, and many more have also recorded Robert’s songs.
Presently, Robert and Stacey also function as founders and overseers of Integrity Ministerial Alliance, a network of apostolic and prophetic ministers and churches. The purpose and vision of the network is to provide Connection, Accountability, Resources, and Encouragement for ministers and churches with like heart and vision.
Pastors Joshua & Miranda Gay
Joshua recognized his call to ministry at a young age and has served in full time ministry for fifteen years. Joshua and Miranda’s zeal for the Word of God and their passion for Jesus have touched the hearts of those both young and old. Joshua & Miranda long to see the local church and its members living in purpose and destiny, and to see generations connected hand-in-hand together.
Pastor Joshua is also the author of the acclaimed books “Sonship: The Mantle. The Journey. The Double Portion.” and “Revolutionaries: The World Turned Upside Down.”
Pastors Joshua and Miranda have four children, Josiah, Hannalee, Eliza, and Eva.
Pastors Braim & Nancy Roman
Hispanic Ministry Pastors
Garrett & Bekah Morlan
Youth & Young Adults Pastors
Kastle & Bethany Jones
Connect Pastors
Childrens Pastor
Steve &
Kristy Webb
Worship Pastor
EBF Coffee & Hospitality Director
Media Director